Mission Statement
At Linton Primary School we recognise that all children are unique and have different educational, physical and emotional needs. We aim to create an environment that has high expectations of each pupil and takes action to support individuals or groups who need support or different strategies for learning, enabling them to make progress and be fully included in school life. We provide a curriculum that meets a diverse range of learning needs and have procedures in school to identify those that are not succeeding.
We recognise that parents play a part in supporting their child’s education and we aim to include them in what we offer their child at school. We make sure that children have a voice in this process and their views are presented when we are making decisions about their education.
How decisions are made
The aims of the school are agreed by staff, Governors, parents and pupils.
The school follows the National Curriculum for England and Wales Sept 2015, and the teaching program has been devised at staff meetings.
Decisions about individual pupil progress are taken following classroom assessments, half-termly pupil progress staff meetings. Discussion take place between Staff and SENDCO and then parents are contacted if a concern is recognised.
A SEND support plan is developed, followed and reviewed. Staff and parents agree together what the course of further action should be. If necessary this process also involves specialist services.
SEND support plans need to be given time to show impact and this may include several reviews and action plans. This varies greatly with individuals and a time scale cannot be placed upon this. Other factors are taken into account which may be affecting the success of the plan.
If it is decided that there are significant education, health and care needs which cannot be met wholly by our SEND support plan then an application can be made to the Local Authority for an Education Health and Care (EHC) Plan.
How will the School Offer be reviewed?
Our School Offer will be reviewed on an annual basis.
The Curriculum Committee of Governors are actively involved in this review and there are three parent Governors represented on this committee.
Parents and pupils will be invited to participate in this review in two ways:
- Through a consultation meeting with the Headteacher/SENDCO.
- Through a parent or pupil questionnaire.